To read Lenah's story from the beginning, just go to the side bar under blog archive and start reading from May 2013.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

An Update

Friends, this week has been hard. Monday morning we had another fetal echocardiogram done at Texas Children's Hospital. Good news was that there was no sign of fluid anywhere on Lenah's heart. Bad news is that they detected that her pulmonary valve is leaky. This is significant because the pulmonary valve is used to replace the too small aorta and valve in the first open heart surgery- the Norwood procedure. Our cardiologist was hesitant to make any definite conclusions without talking to the cardiac surgeons and before we have another fetal echo in two weeks. If the pulmonary valve continues to leak or gets more leaky,it seems that there is really not much that can be done for Lenah surgically or otherwise. My prayer to the Lord since the beginning of this journey is that He would lead us clearly each step of this journey. Of course, I told Him that my preference would be for her to be healed and that this would all go away. Second to that, I just really didn't want to have to watch my baby and my family suffer through months of surgery, hospitalization, and separation. I especially did not want to have to make a decision as to whether to even attempt surgery in the first place or not.
It seems like it would be easy. You just do whatever you can to save your child, right? But in the back of my mind has always been the thought, save her from what? I know, that I know, that I know, that if my baby ceased to be alive at this very moment, her very next moment would be in the presence of Jesus. How could that ever be a terrible thing? Is prolonging her earthly life, no matter the suffering, really the best thing for her? For us? I know we are not the first people to navigate these tumultuous waters and I wish that no one else would ever have to traverse a similar path after us. But here we are and it stinks. The flip side is do we avoid suffering even though that we know that out of suffering can come amazing from ashes and such. Do we deny the possibility that there is a greater purpose even in great suffering? I think I have cried more tears in the last 3 months than I have in all my previous years before.
Those that know me, know that I have a hard time “enjoying the process”. When something needs to be done I like to get it done and get it done now or avoid it all together. Not that this is something at all to be enjoyed, at this point I'd just like to be through this valley. I am tired of this process. The last trimester of pregnancy can be difficult under the best of circumstances. Right now it seems ….I don't even have words for how it is.
So, I guess for now our greatest needs have not changed. Please pray for us. Our next fetal echo is scheduled for August 6th. We just ask that the Lord would lead us clearly. Thank you for praying.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Anatomy Scan Update

Good morning everyone!
Yesterday's anatomy sonogram revealed NO ADDITIONAL ANOMALIES. Yay! Lenah is right on target for gestational age and the spot of fluid on her heart is almost gone. We are so very thankful for a good report. Also, the lady that did our sonogram was a complete answer to prayer. At our first sonogram the lady was very unprofessional and uncaring. She said some very upsetting things to us. I was dreading the possibility of facing her again as there are several technicians at the clinic and you never know who you will get. The lovely woman I met yesterday was so compassionate and loving. At the end of my appointment we hugged and she told me she would be praying for our family. Folks, that was almost as wonderful as learning Lenah has no other detectable defects. The Lord continues to show His great love and faithfulness to us. Thank you again for your love and prayers for all of us. We appreciate all of you walking with us through this journey.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Fetal Echo Update

We are finally back home and settled in from our Dr. appointment today. First of all, up until today I was not completely convinced that she was a girl because she never gave us a full look-see. But today I am fully convinced, as we were given a clear view that she is indeed a feisty little girl. The fetal echocardiogram ultrasound took a very long time as our baby girl is VERY wiggly. Many structures that they need to get clear measurements of were difficult to capture. First of all, good news is that she has good prograde flow in all of her arteries/veins as they should be and she has good profusion to her brain. Not so good news is that her left side of the heart is even smaller in comparison to the right side of the heart as it has not continued to develop. Also, there is some fluid on her heart that is a concern and indicates that she is under some sort of stress, but the cause is not apparent. We have an anatomy/growth ultrasound scheduled for Friday and will be looking more closely at all of her other anatomy. I am praying that there are no other abnormalities discovered at this appointment. Please continue to pray for us as we continue to monitor her growth/progress.