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Saturday, December 28, 2013

Saturday, December 28, 2013

We thought last night was Lenah's last.  She had a long episode of taking 7 or 8 breaths and then not breathing at all for 7 or 8 seconds.  At one point she didn't breathe for about 20 seconds.  She was also limp and completely unresponsive even to having her feet tickled. She improved drastically after we asked you all to pray for us.  Her her rate was very fast during this episode and is still higher than her normal heart rate.  She is very weak and her pulse is weaker in her extremities than before. Her breathing is also more shallow and coarse.
  I have mixed emotions after this very scary episode.  I am thankful that we have more time with her, but it is also hard to bear the waiting.  I am content to have her with us as long as possible as long as she is not suffering.  I guess even if she has to suffer in some way or another I will be content to be by her side or hold her as long as she is here.
  It seems as though there has been a lot of loss all around us this year.  I will be glad to close the doors on 2013. I hope and pray that next year holds less loss and grief.
  Thank you all for praying.  Thank you for loving us.


  1. Love y'all.....Praying without ceasing!

  2. She has grown so much!! Precious little angel, so beautiful!!!

  3. She has grown a lot. She has outgrown all of her newborn and 0-3mos clothes. They were both too short and too tight. I had to order her some 3-6 month outfits online. I have no idea what she weighs now, but I am guessing well over 12 pounds.
