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Monday, December 16, 2013

Monday, December 16, 2013 Update

 I have tried several times over the last few days to get a post together.  I have also tried to upload a video to share, but the satellite internet here is quite slow.  Lenah had a rough night Saturday, but has been better since then. Today we were able to take Lenah out for a nature walk.  She seemed to really enjoy it.  She was wide-eyed and taking everything in.
  Her picc line has been working very well since we started using heparin flushes with every TPN change.
 The children have enjoyed having her at home.  I think she has also enjoyed being at home. It was very nice to have Daddy here with us this weekend.  He will be able to be here with us for two solid weeks starting Friday night or Saturday morning.  We will have a friend staying at our house to take care of our animals while he is here. I haven't taken very many pictures in the last few days.  It seems as though my hands are full with Lenah or I am doing some other needed task.  I forget to grab the camera and capture the moments we are sharing.  Sometimes, I just try to make a mental note of something the children say or do and commit it to memory.
 The weather should be very nice for the next couple of days.  I will try to get some good outdoor pictures to share with you all.  For our friends and family who have tried to contact me by my cell phone, I do not get good reception here. I have to go outside to a particular spot to send texts or make calls. If you need to get in touch with me, you can call James for the number here at the farmhouse or send me an e-mail.  I am very behind on checking e-mail, though, and it might be a few days for a response.
  Nana has had  a cough and congestion for a couple of days and we are praying that
Lenah does not get it. Thank you for checking in on Lenah and for praying for all of us.


  1. Oh what a precious picture of Lenah and her sisters. She looks quite content. Glad her days are happy at the most part. Enjoy your time with that beautiful little one. Only the Great Man upstairs Knows what is in Store for Lenah MAY it be Great Tasks. With a long future.

  2. Thank you for the continued updates.... your sweet family is always on my heart & in my prayers! So Glad Dr Wray will be able to enjoy a much needed break with you all! Praying y'all have a fantastic family holiday & create many beautiful memories together! God Bless you all!
