I keep forgetting that not everyone we love is on Facebook, nor are all those that love us.
So much has happened in the past six months.
Since October we -as a family- have lost over 110 pounds. I have lost over 50.Crazy amazing.
I have begun my training and education to become a midwife.
I plan to start taking clients as a doula.
We have settled in to our new home and are really enjoying living here.
We are soon going on a road trip up to South Dakota to visit friends. We plan to see the childhood home of Laura Ingalls Wilder in De Smet, SD as well as her adult home in Mansfield, MO. We also plan to go to Bakersville, the home of Baker Creek Heirloom (rareseeds.com) in Mansfield. Other stops on the way will be at my grandmother's in Ash Flat, AR, The Ozark Folk Center and Blanchard Spring Caverns in Mountain View, AR. We may make a stop in Kansas City, MO. We are all very excited for this family vacation.
I still find myself counting everyone when we load up to go somewhere and feel like someone is missing. They are. Life would be so very different if we had 19 month old Lenah and 4 month old Ruby in tow. Don't get me wrong - I would love to have the privilege of toting them around, but it would look very different from the freedom we currently have. We have been watching a six month old a couple of days a week since she was 6 weeks old. Yesterday we ventured out to run errands and go shopping while we were caring for her. It was very different than just picking up and taking off with my current five. Making sure you have the diaper bag and all its necessities is something I have not had to deal with for quite some time now.
This past Thursday, Friday, and Saturday I attended the Association of Texas Midwives Conference. This would not have been possible with babies at home. It seems so strange to be thankful for the freedom I am currently enjoying.