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Thursday, September 19, 2013

September 19, 2013, Thursday AM

Today they were able to take Lenah off of epinephrine because her blood pressure has come up to a good range for her.  They reduced her respirator from 24 down to 20 during the night and are continuing to wean her from it today. The plan is for her to be off of it by tomorrow night. They plan to remove her chest tubes today as she has almost no drainage or blood coming from them as of this morning.  Her urine output has increased to a level that makes them think they will maybe take her off of peritoneal dialysis this evening. She has not had anymore bleeding from he dialysis tube. Her O2 levels have continued to stay with in her good range and her heart rate has remained within her good range as well.  An x-ray revealed some haziness so they did some cupping treatments to try to break any congestion loose.  They are also removing her umbilical IV today.
  Around 10:30 today she was stretching and opening her eyes and she seemed like she was trying to cry for a bit.  Her blood pressure crept up and she seemed a bit distressed.  She was given some pain meds and calmed after that.
  Overall, she is doing very well and her  body is doing all the things they want to see it doing. 

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