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Sunday, May 25, 2014

Good News

I have shared our good news with my friends on Facebook, but I know there are some friends and family that do not use Facebook.  We are expecting a sweet new family member sometime around December 26th - my 40th birthday.  This was VERY unexpected. I was in literal shock when I saw that second blue line. I cried for quite a while and felt terrified.  I  now have peace about this new life and I refuse to walk in fear. The Lord is faithful and He created this life. He will lead us through whatever may come just as he has so gently led us in the past. I plan to call this week to schedule a doctor appointment. I would not at all be surprised to find twins this time around as my pregnancy symptoms are very strong.  We appreciate any and all prayers for a healthy pregnancy and baby.


  1. I am so excited for your family! May God bless you and this baby!

  2. Wow what great news. Take care of yourself. And Enjoy. I know it may be hard after loosing that precious one . But God works in Mysterious ways. Enjoy. And love. Be Safe and Live on in the Eyes of the Beholder.
