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Friday, November 8, 2013

Friday, November 8, 2013 Update

Today is my younger brother Eric's birthday.  Happy birthday, Eric!

 Lenah did well overall today, but she did once again have blood in her stools.  It seems as though breathing on her own is just too much for her with her current level of heart function.  Having to use her diaphragm and breathe on her own takes blood supply from her intestines and makes them unwell.  I'm sure there will need to be further discussion on whether she needs to wait until after her next open heart surgery before they do intestinal surgery. Also, we still have to see if her liver improves over the next several weeks after being on the Omegaven.  It is pretty clear, though, that it would likely be very difficult if not impossible for her intestines to work properly with the current blood supply offered to them.   They also had to give Lenah a blood transfusion yesterday.
 Today, James and I went together in the evening to visit Lenah.  I was unable to go visit her earlier in the day as my mother is out of town and my friend and her family are having cold symptoms. It worked out well, though.  Sarah has been missing me and has been clingy when I leave to hospital for the last couple of days.  She needed some extra snuggle time. Our baby friends are continuing to have difficulties.  Please continue to pray for them as you continue to pray for Lenah.  Thank you for checking in on us.

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