The birthday boys
I went to visit Lenah this evening. She had just gotten her bath and was alert and awake. I gave her a massage. She seemed to enjoy it. She had a good day today according to her nurses. We should have more answers to her health questions by the end of the week. At this time, they still plan to do her lower GI study on Wednesday. They will also be doing liver lab work later in the week. I am hoping to see improvement after being on the Omegaven.
Lenah's baby neighbors are still struggling. Please continue to pray for them.
This one is blurry, but to Lenah's left you can see the cute little puppy pacifier holder (Wubbanub) that our sweet friend Kelly sent to Lenah. Thank you, Kelly!
Can you see her increased "plumpiness" ? Her legs are no longer birdlike. Growing is good!
Thank you for checking in on Lenah. We hope you had a wonderful weekend. Thank you for praying for Lenah and all of us.
She's growing so much!!! Praise God in all things!! Love and prayers to all of you!